Hand Crafted Dioramas and Buildings
The Watermill
By The Round Crafting Table
This watermill surely makes a statement. I loved creating it and mixing materials for the fist time with the main structure being Styrofoam and the intricate wheel, Balsa wood.
Check out my step by step video to see how it came to life.

The Millers House
By The Round Crafting Table
The Millers live in this robust house overlooking the river and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle when they are not working hard on the local mill. Mr Millers can often be seen peeking out of his living room window.
Made out of two sheets of A3 Styrofoam, this sturdy structure was very satisfying to build and required each stone to be hand crafted individually to fit like a jigsaw. It has to be one of my favourite builds.

The Wizard's Tower
By The Round Crafting Table
This tower was quite a challenge to make due to the size of the mini bricks. Self inflicted! but it looks the part.
Made again with Styrofoam, you could never tell that the main tower structure is made out of a Pringles box.
A build like this deserved a little scene to complete it so I gave the resident wizard a pretty cosy work space with stunning views.

The Church
By The Round Crafting Table
This is what cutting and gluing over 1,000 bricks and tiles look like. No corners were cut in the making of this magnificent building and it shows it. Invest time and patience and you will have a breath taking miniature.
Another first for me with the lighting with hand made wall sconces, designed by the lovely Lisa from Spellbound Miniatures. Check out her step by step tutorial.

The Medieval Lodge
By The Round Crafting Table
This lodge is made from cheap Styrofoam and it is clear that one doesn't need expensive materials to create a realistic miniature building.
The painting techniques used here are nothing fancy as you will see on the video. Again, cheap acrylic paints, a vision and patience :)